Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How to Make the best of NetworkedBlogs

NetworkedBlogs is basically a Facebook application. It help to promote your blog in many ways. Firstly it uses Facebook platform which is the world's most visited Social Networking website. It has 400 Million active users who send up to 60 million status updates everyday. 3 Billion new photos published everyday and 5 billion pieces of content being shared weekly. An average user spends 55 minutes daily on Facebook. You can see more detailed statics posted by Aden Hepburn at DigitalBuzzBlog. NetworkedBlogs app automatically grab your blog posts once you register your blog into it and then publish your posts to your Facebook Wall, Sydicate it to your twitter account and publish it to any Facebook pages you have created.

Here I am adding a few points that can make you most out of NetworkedBlogs.

Add your blog to NetworkedBlogs directory so others can find it.

Login to your Facebook account, Visit the app's home page and click on button "+ Register a Blog". That will take you to this url.( You will find a form with a few fields. Fill it up with your blog details. Name, URL, Language, Tags and Description, please note that you have to provide a valid RSS/Atom feed then and click next. You will be asked "Are you the author of this blog".

If you click on YES and you are the real author of this blog, you have to varify it. You have 2 options to do that. 
  1. Ask from your friends (10 Friends must approve you as a blog owner)
  2. Use NetworkedBlogs widget to verify it. (You need to put a specific code into blog home page)
You can simply skip this step by clicking on "do it later" link or continue verifying your blog. (Recommended). That's done.

Import your feed and push it to the stream for all your friends and fans to see.

This is one of the best ways to promote your blog. Make sure your posts show on your wall and in the news feed of your friends and fans. NetworkedBlogs provides several options to do that. On your blog page, click "Syndication" to enable this feature. And if you have a Facebook page, you can use this feature too through your page's 'edit page' menu. Whenever a new post is publishd at your blog it will automatically published to your wall and it will look like this.
Adopt the best practices. Use a picture in your blog post to promote it in more nice way.

Invite your friends to follow your blogs.

Your friends most likely want to follow your news and read what you write. On yor blog page, click "invite friends to follow".

Add the NetworkedBlogs tab to your profile

Do that from your Facebook profile page as shown below.

Add the NetworkedBlogs widget to your blog.

The widget will allow your readers to follow your blog directly from your blog.

Use the news reader on the app's home page.

Use it to find the latest news, and make sure to vote the good posts up. When you vote on a post, your picture will show next to that post for everyone else to see. You help the best posts get exposure, and people tend to click on pictures of those who recommend good articles to see what else they're up to and might choose to follow your blog as well.

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