Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Thoughts on Monday...


While I lay here in bed relaxing.. waiting on my Ambien to kick in I have just been thinking of the day.. What I got accomplished.. What I dint get done.. and what I wish had not happened.

* Woke up.. headed out to do a couple hours of community service.. Only got in 2 hrs 15 minutes but a little is better than none.. Going back tomorrow for a couple more hours. It sucks..but have to get it done. **

* Came home.. had lunch.. played on the computer for a few minutes and then decided I was going to start working around the house. After the summer with the little kids..a week visit with the older kids and all the traveling.. it needed cleaned up. *

* Decided to tackle laundry and the laundry room first. I worked on the laundry most of the afternoon.. all evening.. and just now at 2 am did I put my final load in the washer..It feels great to have it all done with a nice clean and organized laundry room. *

* While I was working on laundry and in the closets.. I pulled out all my dresses that I wanted to try on for the cruise. Was hoping to have time to try them on but sadly they are laying on a chair here in the bedroom.. still waiting on me. *

* While the laundry was going I decided to tackle the next big job that was needing done. The floors.. So I picked everything up off the kitchen, dining room, and living room floor and got it all swept. That took forever.. Then I moved on to mopping..That job took almost 2 hours. Sure glad its done. *

* I got most of my calls done today. Still have a few left. Sadly.. I didn't get to send out any emails. I had planned on doing it in the evening but something came up and I wasn't able. So sorry. I know I keep saying tomorrow.. tomorrow.. tomorrow.. but I promise to have them out as soon as I can. Call if its important! *

* I got a call about the kittens today! She wanted me to email her some more pictures so I did.. Just waiting and hoping to hear back! *

* Ohhh.. I even got some of the bedding washed and hung outside.. which leaves me to the next thing. *

* I left the door barley cracked and Giovanni pawed it the rest of the way open and ran out. I chased after him and he dashed off. I am so tired of him running out the door that this time my attitude was.. ok.. have fun! *

* I kept watching for him.. Saw him at the neighbors trying to catch a bird and while I was walking over to him, he spotted me and took off again. Sigh..*

* Scott got home around 830 and headed right out to look for the cat. I stayed in and started dinner. *

* I ended up making a simple dinner of BLT's and Onion Rings. Super easy for a late night. We didn't even sit down to eat until 9 pm *

* After eating we both loaded up in the Jeep and went around the neighborhood with our flash lights looking for him.. Nothing. *

* Once we got back in, it wasn't long before Scott was in bed. He had a long day and was pretty tired. *

* I put on a movie and did my nails. If you didn't see the post from earlier you can click HERE to see them Its a deep violet color that is ideal for fall.. but went ahead and decided to go with it being its the end of summer. Really liking the color. Its dark but not too bold. Yes its dark but its still kind of soft.. It took a while to do it. Basically during the entire movie.. I was doing my nails or letting them dry. But it was worth it! They look great! *

* After the movie.. I took a bubble bath.. Such a good therapy for anything! However the kittens love sitting on the ledge and watching. I should take my phone in there with me go get a couple pictures! They are so cute but they are driving me crazy!! They are all over the place! *

* I then picked up the kitchen.. Only had a few dishes from dinner and decided that I will do them later. I wiped off the cabinets and swept the floor.. Made the coffee for morning and turned the light out. *

* I decided to take my pills a little earlier tonight in hopes that tomorrow I will be able to get up a little earlier. Who knows if that will happen. But I am already starting to get sleeeeepy so this post is going to come to an end very soon! *

* Tomorrow should be pretty much the same. Got to go donate my time.. do a little shopping and get the house cleaned up. Fun..Fun.. But that's life! *

* Really thankful that today was calm and went to plan. It was a full day but it was a calm day and that's what my body and soul have been craving. But I did miss Scott a lot today. *

* I wish to hell like the cat was home tonight. But maybe this is what he needs. He dashes for the door the second its open and is always trying to escape. I just wish he would hang out on the porch or close to the house instead of running the neighborhood. He is our family.. a huge part of this house and where ever he is.. I hope he is ok. *

Sweet Dreams.

K Jaggers

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