Friday, August 5, 2011

Thursday =(

Hello.. I am still sleepy at 3 pm.. WTH.. Guess I should have went to bed a lot sooner last night!! Jackson is also tired..So he is napping right now. Thankfully..

Well today is not going as planned. Not at all..I have been computer shopping all morning.. Yep.. I am going ahead and getting another one in the coming days or weeks. Its happening really soon being this one is on its way out of this world! Its not easy trying to figure out what to buy. Its just not. I am also going to check out what laptops Walmart carries and also going to go to Best Buy to check them out too. Just not what we are planning. We have so many expenses right now but I can't go without a computer. I just cant.. So that's happening real soon.

Right now there is a Sebring sitting in my driveway because yet again those idiots at the dealership didn't fix my car right..From what I was told.. When it was messed ended up spraying cold gas on one of the hot injectors and warped it. So now its at the Jaguar place getting fixed.. Thats about 1500 to fix but thankfully because the dumb ass's didn't do it right.. we are not being charged to fix it. I don't know how much of what they told me is the truth. I think they are all liars and I am pissed to say the least. But at least I have something to drive in the meantime. They are saying by Monday it will be done..Yea right.. LIARS.. They are probably just going to break something else. Shit.. I mise well just give them the car...they have kept it long enough. And if they are reading this blog by some chance.. YEP... your dumb ass's.. Plain and simple..

I am just not in a good mood..Gosh.. what a day.. I feel like going to bed and hiding. I might just do that. Scott has to work late and I might just lay back.. close my eyes and dream. That sure sounds better to me..

I do want to get the post done sometime today about the pet food..Ohhh..Danielle.. I got your email.. For whatever reason the new blackberry was not sending my emails to me yesterday so I didn't know I got it! I will get it answered soon ( either by computer ( god willing ) or phone! )

Well you guys can tell I am not in the best of moods today.. I am going to figure out how to make that better and I will be back when I have something nice to say!

K Jaggers

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