Afternoon everyone!
I stayed up till after 5am so here at 2 pm I am just crawling out of the bed. Thankfully husby doesn't mind my crazy sleep schedule! Right now the cats are all driving me crazy to be fed but they are going to have to wait till I have some coffee at least!
I don't know what today holds. Not much I suppose. The house is pretty clean, and I have no big plans. Well I do have to toss laundry around and scoop the cat boxes. I need to run to the store but I am thinking that will happen tonight. Scott is only suppose to work till 6 but he has to go to the auction tonight around 7 so I am thinking that would be a great time to run to the store.
Its really windy here today. I mean WINDY. I don't want to get out in that at all. Leaves are falling off the trees and its pretty cold in the house. I got the fireplace going first thing!!
Ohhh.. last night on FACEBOOK a friend sent me this message..

How pretty is that!?
I get so happy when sometime tries making something that I post and then shows me how it turned out!! LOVE IT!!
If you didn't see the chicken pot pie recipe you can click right HERE to get to it!
Well I am going to clean up, feed the cats, and send an email out!
Be back in a bit!
K Jaggers
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