Sheila Gibb was visiting a neighbor on Victoria Day when she noticed the trees and sky had the appearance of a ‘pink lace’ overlay. Gibb immediately went to see her optometrist, Dr. Dana Blakolmer. Through the use of an Optos optomap®, Dr. Blakolmer discovered several retinal hemorrhages in the affected left eye. Suspecting carotid occlusive disease, she immediately referred Gibb to her primary care physician. Receiving treatment for a 70% carotid arterial blockage saved her life, and laser surgery saved her eye. The newly expanded optomap technology allows eye care providers to identify markers for systemic (or non-eye) diseases such as hypertension, anemias, diabetes, bowel issues and certain cancers, as well as diagnose a number of eye disorders.
(PRWeb November 30, 2011)
Read the full story at
optomap Retinal Scan Leads to Early Diagnosis of Patient’s Arterial Blockage, Emphasizing the Critical Importance of Optos' Newly Expanded Line of optomap Imaging Devices
Wed, 30 Nov 2011 19:53:49 GMT
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