Hello friends!! I found this wreath online and wanted to share it with you and what a better time than the night before Thanksgiving!!
Is this not adorable..
All it is,

painted clothes pins on a wire wreath frame ( you can get from craft store )
And you hang the cute little sign in the middle

anyone that comes in and out of your house writes what they are thankful for on a clothes pin.
And if you don't have a lot of people coming in and out, then just do it once a day yourself or have husby do it when he comes and goes. I will for sure have one of these hanging either on my door or in my house next November.
Anyway, hope everyone had a great day. I have to admit, I have had better days myself. I had a melt down at the grocery store today. I was grumpy with Scott all day, grumpy with the animals, grumpy with family and it just was not a day I want to repeat, that's for sure. I am going to work hard on not making tomorrow anything like today. I really wanted to tell Brittany to spill her drink on her but thats not a good example and I didn't do it.. but it sure crossed my mind!
It was just not my day. I got into an argument with an uncle via facebook over him being a fool and actually had the nerve to tell me what I could or couldn't say. Yea.. that's going to work out for him. I also found out that my children are going to be around whore Hope for Thanksgiving at my fathers. Wow.. what a slap in the face. Just in case you don't know that the cousin of mine who had an affair with my ex husband. I swear I would love to just take her in a plane, drop her off over South Africa with a parachute and no passport and tell her to never come back. Sigh.. Its just a test and I am just not going to think about it. Hopefully the little disloyal gathering will not last long and my kids won't have to put up with her for any length of time. Funny thing is, she has a father.. why does she have to keep coming around my family? Gosh.. she's like a little bug that drives you crazy, that needs to be swatted.
I am going to focus on the good rather than the bad for the rest of the night and tomorrow. Husby is home of course and I want to make it the best day for us that I can. I really wish we would have headed North for Thanksgiving but I guess it's best to just have a holiday to ourselves every once in a while. I am lucky that he is taking me out instead of cooking. I know its not the same as being around a bunch of family but its still nice not having all that stress and mess! I didn't make any reservations any where and husby came home with the bright idea of going to Golden Corral for Thanksgiving dinner. I was not too pleased with that idea but... I think it might just be good and I am going to give it a shot! I will take some pictures and let you guys know how it is! I really wish my mom was here. I miss her on holidays but Christmas is right around the corner and she is going to be here. Actually she is going to be all over the place because they are doing a ton of traveling over the holidays but she will be here Christmas eve and for 4 additional days. LOVE THAT! I think my sister is still coming too!
I feel like a mess tonight. I hope this passes with a good nights sleep. I should be blogging about being grateful and not bitching! I am grateful for the life I have, even on days I am not so happy. I have a beautiful husband who loves me as much as I love him. I have beautiful children and a beautiful family. What else could a girl want! And.. I have..
My beautiful babies to be grateful for too!
Picture of Swagger from today
Here is Gizmo's picture also from today
Sweet pea hanging out while I worked on the computer today
And here is Ferinand being lazy tonight..
How sweet is that face!?
While I picked up some groceries tonight at that dreadful market...
I also got a couple of things that make me happy..
Good bath reading material..
and a new pen!
Both made me happy.
And in an effort to be in a better mood, I fixed.
Pasta for dinner.
Here is the new Barilla Pasta Sauce that just hit the shelves the past couple of weeks.
As you can see,
thick and
rich with a beautiful color.
I got the
pasta dropped, garlic bread popped in the oven
dinner was served!
Couldn't forget the cheese
Does this not look delish!?
This bite was pure bliss for me!
And it did help to put me in a better mood!
Well for a little while anyway.. Scott and I were watching a movie when I told him I couldn't wait till it was over, so I could go get in a hot bath. So what does he do?? He jumps up about 10 minutes before the movie and gets in the shower.. I wanted to SCREAM at him but I didn't. I watched the end of the movie and went and got in the bath. He didn't really appreciate that but I didn't appreciate him stealing all the hot water from me either. I didn't have as much hot water as I would have liked but I had enough. And my bath felt amazing anyway.. with no fighting over the hot water!
Afterwards, I came down stairs and started playing around online. I also organized my favorites which were like 200 websites and that took me over an hour and a half to make new folders and sort them all out. I also backed them up in case something happened and I lost them, which has happened before.
Tomorrow I doubt I will be blogging a lot. I will have a few post up but that's probably about it. I am going to be doing a Thanksgiving MARRIED LIFE post too! But it should be a day of being with family and loved ones and sharing what you are grateful for. I know it sounds Corny but we all should EAT, PRAY, LOVE.. No, I am not talking about actually watching the movie but follow those 3 key steps for the day! I promise I will be in a better mood tomorrow!!
I wonder how many of you guys are putting your turkey's in the oven tonight!? I know my sister in law is putting hers in to cook all night at 250. Boy, I have a story about the last Turkey she cooked but I will wait to tell it. I think this is only her 2nd time cooking a big turkey and I am sure she will do a great job!
Well this grump is calling it a night.
Sweet Dreams..
K Jaggers
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