Thursday, October 27, 2011



Hello friends.. Hope you are having a great afternoon. I'm just kinda hanging out around here today taking it easy and doing only things I want.. which isn't much at this point! Heck.. I have only been up  for about 34 minutes. I have been having so much trouble falling asleep even with medication. I don't know. I need to call the Dr and get an apt. I haven't been to the Dr. in a while.. well since we moved here so I am going to pick up my phone and call today and see if I can get a little help.

Nothing big going on today. I must say that I just checked my emails before starting this post.. My inbox was filled up with emails and comments about all those beautiful cats being slaughtered. It seems most people agree with what I feel. Thank you for that. It was just something that touched my heart. It really bothers me. I couldn't believe they did that. I understand that kids and people are more important but come on.. It almost reminded me of poachers in Africa killing animals for sport. I did get one email that agreed with the police.. that's ok too. I just put MY thoughts on it out there and get us praying for them and also get us thinking about the laws that allow people to own such animals. I don't really agree with have a ton of wild animals.. I think they belong in the wild.. and or the zoo's. I am not a huge fan of zoo's but I do understand to preserve some animals.. But its a big big debate among many people. I just felt so sad for those animals and for their owner who felt taking his own life was the only way out. Been there.. By the grace of God.. I am still here. What a sad sad situation. Thank you for your emails and thoughts.

Again the kitty city is being torn up right now! Its so cute watching them play! I am for sure going out into the garage and getting the other city city! They will love it! We are in this big house but our living room area is an odd shape and there is not a ton of room in here.. so I didn't put everything that was once in the living room.. but I have to get that other kitty city in here..

Well I am going to get up and get things going around here. I will be in a while to chat more!

Have a great day!

K Jaggers

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