Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Horizon Milk Comments and Questions Answered

Ok.. So I promised a while ago I would get these comments and questions posted that came in regarding my post about the Horizon Organic Milk.. If you didn't see that post you can click { HERE } to read it..

Ok.. Here are the emails I received...

I am just going to copy and paste them.. Just so you know the comments and or questions will be in bold.. Then my thoughts will follow each one.

Thank you so much for your post about this. I have never had organic milk before. Is there any taste difference?

Your welcome!!! I think there is a slight taste difference at first. But not a big taste difference. By time you are finished up with the first half gallon. you won't ever notice it again!

Thanks so much for doing the blog on Organic Milk. I love diary and so does my family, I never realized that the cows are given hormones! You have definitely opened my eyes about this and I will be researching this more.

Your welcome!! The blog post was written to mainly open peoples eyes to other healthy options. The more you read and the more learn, the better choices you will make for yourself. Thanks for reading!

I stumbled upon this link on facebook and I was amazed at your blog about the organic milk. How can you tell its really organic? I have heard that there is lots of " fake " organic foods out there now. So if you know, please tell me.

Thank you

Look for the words “certified organic” or the USDA organic seal on the product's packaging. The USDA organic seal assures consumers of the quality and integrity of organic products. Certified organic operations must have an organic system plan and records verifying compliance with that plan. These operations are subject to an annual inspection and spot checks to ensure they continue to meet strict standards. There is no faking it. If its stamped. Its true.

Hi! Just a question about your organic milk blog post. There are lots of brands of organic milk. Why Horizon?

Well, I really don't have a big answer for this. For me.. I still prefer whole milk and I couldn't find any other brands that offered organic whole milk. When I found the Horizon whole milk, I was super happy and thats what I went with!

Wow, I just read your post! I love it. I am going to try it soon. What is the difference in price between organic milk and regular milk?

I think there is a slight price difference. I know it sounds bad.. but I don't really check prices all the time. I get what we need and move on. But what I have noticed is a half gallon of organic milk cost about the same as a gallon of non organic milk.

I loved reading your blog tonight! Learned so much about organic milk! Thank you!!!

Thank you so much! .

Is this really real milk? Come on. We all can't afford this. why do a post on something so expensive and hard to find?

Well...thank you for your thoughts. I respect your opinion.. but is not that expensive. And its not hard to find. I get it at my local grocery store ( Ingles ) and Walmart also carries it. This is real milk from real cows. Its not a powder milk or a milk substitute. If you want to know more. there is lots of online information that you can research.

Dear Mrs. Jaggers,
You are telling us to buy this organic milk yet we are out in restaurants and away from home they don't serve it. So whats the point?

I totally understand this. I am kinda OCD and I don't like to do anything half way. I agree, we should be given more choices when dining out.. but that's just not the way it is at most restaurants. I don't tend to drink a lot of milk when I am out and about but if I do have a glass of milk from a restaurant, I enjoy it. I try my hardest to keep it organic but if I can't always have it organic then I just deal with it and move on. If it really bothers you, you can always decline milk.

This is one of your greatest post ever!! I loved it! Can't wait to try this milk, Thank you!

So happy you liked it! Thanks for reading!

I read your blog and saw you had whole milk in your organic milk post. Is that the only kind of milk they sell in organic? I hate fatty milk.

No, Horizon milk offers milk in every different %. I think my mom drinks the Horizon skim milk. So there are plenty of choices for us all!

I am an animal lover and saw your post yesterday about about the milk. How can you tell people to buy that milk when cows are being so mistreated?  They are forced to live a life that is not natural and not good for them. You should be ashamed of yourself. I hope you educate yourself on what those cows go through to give you that big glass of milk you like so much. Very poorly done.

Wow. Ok first. Thanks for your comment even though I disagree. I know what cows go through. I am educated about it. I watched food inc. along with many other shows that teach us about the animal abuse that happens for food. While I am not ashamed of me or that post, I understand that you might not want to eat meat or drink milk or any other dairy because of your feelings. Horizon organic milk comes from over 600 certified organic family farms in 21 states. Their family farmer partners supply 93% of their milk. Horizon also owns and operates two of our own organic farms, that supply 7% of their milk. All Horizon cows graze on certified organic pastures. When they are not on pasture, they are fed only organic, vegetarian feed that has been produced without the use of genetically modified grains or the use of toxic and persistent herbicides, pesticides or fertilizers. The cows are very well taken care of. These cows are well taken care of  and I suspect they are loved by the people who care for them daily. I am sorry you didn't like the post. My blog has lots to offer, so I hope you do find something on here that you enjoy!

I loved your organic milk post! Please do more post like this.

Thank you! I do intend to do more healthy food post!

This is the only milk I have drank forever. a little more than regular milk but well worth it.

I agree!

I love horizon milk! =))

Me too!

Hello Kisha

I read your post tonight on the organic milk. You didn't talk much about the other items Horizon offers. Are they just as good? And where can I find them?

Yes, all Horizon products are great! You can find them at your local grocery store or even at walmart!

Please tell me where I can find this milk. I didn't see it at Walmart the last time I went shopping. And do you know where I can find any coupons for it?

I see it all the time at my local Walmart right in the milk area. If by some chance your Walmart does not carry it, just talk to the manager and try to get them to start ordering it. I have not seen any coupons, but if you call Horizon.. and ask for them, I am sure they will mail you some!

Thank you so much for a great post. I think I am going to make the change to for my kids. I can't afford everything organic but I can start with this.

Baby steps until you can move on to all organic! Thanks for reading!

This milk is not truly organic. I know it isn't. So stop pushing it on us.

I would love to see your proof on this. It is organic. I am not pushing it on anyone. I was just putting the information out there. Everyone is free to make their own choices.

Thank you Thank you Thank you for taking the time to do such a great post about this milk. I have never tried organic milk but I am for sure going to try it now. I had no idea how much better it is than regular milk. I also love your beauty post and the kittens are just so cute. When will you be putting them up for sale? I live in Oregon, how would you ship them to me?

Thank you for your kind words. If you are interested in the kittens please send me a separate email and we will talk. I will fly them to you but that is costly.. so maybe I can help you find a Persian Cat breeder in your area. Thanks for reading!

I read your post. went shopping. got the milk. there were not gallons, only half gallons. Is that the way it is at your store? I liked the milk but could taste a slight difference. Why?

I don't think they offer in the milk in gallons at this time. I am not sure for the slight taste difference. But like I said before.. after you get through the first couple glasses.. that will go away.

Thank you Kisha. I love your blog! The organic milk post rocks!

Thank you!

Your post didn't really explain why the expiration date is so much longer with organic milk vs regular milk. Can you tell me why? Is it really milk?

I loved the organic milk post!! I have been drinking Horizon milk for a while now and love it! Great post!

Thank you and thanks for reading!

To whom it may concern,

I am emailing you because I could not leave a comment on your blog. Why have a blog if you are not going to let your readers leave comments? Anyway, the organic milk post was nice but how can you expect people who can barley buy food buy this expensive ass milk? There are tons of people who can't afford this. I thought your blog was supposed to be for family's. Most families cannot afford this milk. Maybe you should come back down to earth and realize we don't all have husbands that make lots of money selling cars. You don't work at all, yet you spend his money on stuff like this. I don't get it. Shouldn't you save for a rainy day because paying the prices for organic milk is not worth it.

Wow.. First off. I don't have comments on the blog anymore because even though I moderated them, I still had to read them and I was getting harassed by someone who has bothered me for over 2 years now. I am sure if you read this blog at all you know this. Not all blogs are open to comments. I choose to take comments via facebook, email, and twitter because its unlikely someone will go through all the effort to make a fake account just to leave a mean comment. Now.. I am not telling anyone they HAVE to buy this milk. If someone is having trouble putting food on the table, then buy all means.. buy the milk that you can afford. This is a matter of choice. If you can afford it, and want better.. then go for it. If you can't.. thats ok too.  I am not going to address my husband work or how much money he makes at it.. but if you know anything about the car business. there are good months and bad months. I choose this milk because I want to put healthier things into my body. The choice is yours... and to me organic milk is worth it.

Great post Kisha! Keep it up!! I love your blog!

Thank you so much!

Thank you for the interesting post on the organic milk. I am a new mom and going to start checking out organic baby formula. Know anything about it?

I wish I could say I do know about it but I don't. I am sure there are different organic baby formulas. Just start looking! Thank you for your comment.

Loved that post you wrote the other night about the organic milk. It sure made me think about what is going into my body. Thank you for all the information you gathered up for us!

Your welcome! Thank you for reading!

Keep these great post coming. The food part of your blog is my favorite!

Thanks so much!

Good post about the cows and milk. I love cows. love milk. and love that there are healthy alternatives for us to choose from. I hope many people read this and learn more about how organic is better than non organic.

Thank you! I am just trying to show everyone there are healthy options!

Blah. Blah. Blah. Organic milk. Who cares. its just milk

Well to you its just milk.. to me, its something that matters. Thanks for reading.

I love this milk! Glad to see someone else who does too! What other items do buy organic?

I like to buy organic fruits and veggies and dairy. I would buy more organic meat if it was offered in my area. Thanks for reading!

I am trying to make the switch to organic milk but my husband doesn't want to try it. Does your husband like it?? How did you get him to try it the first time?

Too funny! Scott wasn't so crazy about it at first but one night I made pancakes.. poured the milk.. he drank it up and I have never heard another word  about it. Maybe you should take a non organic milk jug.. rinse it out.. and then put the organic milk in and trick him! After he has went through a few gallons, let him know what he is drinking!  Thanks for reading!

Great post! Thanks for writing it!

Thank you so much!

I read your post tonight about the organic milk. Is this the only brand you use or is there other brands that you like too? Just wondering.

I tend to like Horizon the best! Thanks for reading!

Moooooo!!! I am a new reader but I wanted to tell you that you wrote a great article about the organic milk. I have a blog too. Will you check it out please?

Thank you so much.. Yes, I already checked your blog out and liked it!

Thank you all so much for your comments. I appreciated them all!

Sorry it took so long to get this post done.. just lots of questions to answer!

K Jaggers

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