Saturday, October 22, 2011

What a day..

I can't even begin to tell you how stressful today was around here. I won't get into much about it.. but there is a thief that stole somethings from Scott.. which infuriated me.. beyond measure today. But we just have to deal with it.. I am seriously thinking about calling the police and reporting it.. but not till after we get back from the wedding. We had a ton of things to do today and this evening that we really didn't have time. And husby is much much kinder than I am.. I think the guy should be arrested.. and that still might happen.. Anyway.. on to better news!

We had to go shopping tonight for a dress to wear to the wedding.. So off to the mall we went.. and this is the one I settled on..

Yep.. I am wearing red.. Can you believe it!? I tried on probably over 20 dresses and I liked this one the best.. It was over $125.00  but.. the sale brought it down to a much reasonable price.

I am pairing it up with some black heals and..

beautiful black clutch. I just got this tonight too..

Love it!!

We also picked up Scott's tux and then we grabbed..

some quick Asian food on the way home..

We also stopped by Walgreens and I ended up getting..

a couple new black liquid liners.

This is one of my absolute favorites of all time.. Love the felt tip..
Will work on a review for you guys for this one soon..

I also picked up the Revlon Colorstay Liquid Eye Pen to try..
Not sure about this one so will probably do a review of it too. I did try it a few minutes ago and so far.. not crazy about it. But more to come later about that..

I couldn't decide between..

No panty hose and a little help from Sally Hansen to warm up my pale legs a little or..

Panty Hose.. So I got both.. Its a out door wedding at 630 pm so its going to be cold.. and I am not sure what I am going to do.. Can someone please tell me why panty hose has gone " out of style?" I really don't know when that happened. I know it probably wont make a huge difference in warmness ( is that a word ) but I might wear them and might not. I am not wearing pep toes so it wouldn't matter and I think they are slimming.. So maybe. I will let you know what I decided after the wedding.. But email me your thoughts about pantiy hose because I would really like to you what you guys think about it.. I know my girlfriend is not wearing them but I just might! =0)

Well once we got home.. I got busy painting while husby went to bed.. At first I was none too pleased with that but I figured it was easier to do it with him out of the way than deal with him messing it all up..

I am pretty much done..I have a few things left to do in the morning..

But dress and tux is ready...along with everything we need for a couple nights!

I also had to get things ready for the dog and cats for our friends to come feed them..

Its crazy how much stuff needs to be done just for a weekend away.

I am sure Laura is excited and nervous all at the same time.. This time tomorrow she will be married!!!!!!!!!!! I am a little nervous about being around her family but I am sure it will all be fine. We are there for her.. and her only so that is our focus! I know Scott is super happy about walking his daughter down the isle.. I mean that has to be a monumental day for any father. So I am truly happy for him.

I probably didn't show it so much tonight because I was so upset over that thief. Its just a part of life I guess that sometimes people come into our lives and hurt us. I am so serious about calling the police but husby wants to give him a chance to make it right. I don't think it will happen.. I think the police is the right route. We'll see.

Well its 2 am.. I need to try to get to sleep soon.. We are leaving at 10 am.. Our friends that are going with us are meeting us here and then driving on their own but right with us. We found our hotel tonight.. and its one of the nicest ones in Gatlinburg / Pigeon Forge area.. There are few 4 star hotels in the area but hoping.. hoping.. we are happy with this one. Its got a indoor pool.. which I am not sure if we will use or not... but maybe.. hopefully!! Our swim suits are packed!

Well.. I won't be blogging until after the wedding, I'm guessing.. But will post all the great wedding pictures Sunday or Monday!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


K Jaggers

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