Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Day..


Hello everyone.. I suspect this will be a fairly long post so just hang in there with me!

Woke up today feeling horrible. I didn't drink or anything last night but woke up feeling hung over and just miserable. Don't know what the hell was going on with me. Even now at 1 am I am still feeling bad.. but not as bad.. so thats good !
My day really wasn't that special.. I came downstairs after I woke up and felt so bad that I took my last couple of Advils and crashed back out for about an hour. But I had to get up.. Really needed to go get some groceries.

So I tossed on some sweats.. brushed my teeth and fixed my hair.. after applying a little foundation..

Then I worked on my to do list and grocery list..

and browsed a few sale papers to see if I could find any good deals.

I then took off to walmart and drug myself around the store gathering the things we needed.. I was done in about 1 hour but it seemed like I was pulling that cart around for hours.

I stopped at..

on the way home to get more advil..

But I did pick up a couple other things.. More about that tomorrow!

I came home.. put up the groceries that needed to be put in frig and freezer and let the rest sit there while I vegged out on the couch for a while longer. My entire body ached today..

Scott worked late tonight. Michael and another salesman had deliveries at 8pm.. Lord knows, I hated that.. When I feel bad all I want is for Scott to be home and comfort me.. I wasn't really wanting to cook.. but we have ate out so much that I didn't really have a choice.. I didn't even start to make it till after 8:30. I wanted it done when he got home and not just sitting around waiting on him.. and have to be reheated..

For dinner tonight we had something very very easy.. I have showed you guys this meal before but I want to share it again in case you haven't tried it yet.

This meal is perfect for those nights that you don't want to cook and when you don't mind having the oven on.. this is for you!

Here is basically what I used for dinner.. Now you can dice up your own ham but I bought it already done so it would be easy.. and you could even make your own scalloped potatoes. But really.. who wants to do all that on a late Monday night.. so I am taking the easy route with this one.. And for 2 people.. one package of ham and 1 box of potatoes should be enough.. I just like it and wanted to have left overs.

Use any oven safe pan.. and follow the directions for the potatoes.

Add the ham..

Stir and ..

pop it in the oven according to the box instructions

It takes about 30 minutes on 450 to get golden crisp on top..

Now I didn't grow up with my grandmother adding extra cheese on the top but

husby loves extra cheese so I add it for him..

and leave it in the oven for a few more minutes to melt the cheese..

I served it up with ..

corn.. and that was our simple Monday night dinner I normally serve it with some warm bread or dinner rolls but I skipped that tonight too.. Super simple.. very warm and comforting and it took very little effort on my part. Keep this in mind next time you need a fast, simple and comforting meal. And its not very expensive to make either.. so if you have a big family.. this will go along way!

Scott and I watched ...

during dinner.. Its one of our favorite shows!

It felt great just lounging with him.. he was exhausted too. I think it was maybe a stressful day for him at work.. hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for us both! He normally is off on Tuesdays but I think he is working all day because he is taking Saturday off for Laura's wedding. I kinda hope he comes home early anyway.. but not sure he will!

We both made kitty kitty time.. here are a few pictures of my babies from tonight!

My sweet little female!


Here are two of the boys playing together!

Here is Swagger trying to look bigger!!
 I love this picture even though its not in focus!

He is so darn cute!

And here I am having a ♥ to ♥ with Swagger about NOT peeing in kitty city!!!

Another thing I have been wanting and needing to do is clean my wedding rings.. so also got that little job done tonight too..



I soaked in the bath and enjoyed some youtube videos!

I think that is one of the best things about my night baths.. I bring up the laptop and enjoy all my youtube videos of the girls I enjoy watching.. Its my time to soak.. clean up.. and just relax..

It was totally one of the best parts of my night!

And now here are some..

- Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick Review!

- Organic Milk Review - big big post!!

- Updated Foundation Post!

- Movie Review

- New updated ~ Whats in my FALL purse ~ tag!

- Halloween in the City Post

- More Fall Recipes!

- New links to other blog post that I am loving!

- What to pack for a weekend get away!

- October Beauty favorites!

- More kitty post and videos!

- More Halloween Make up Tutorials!

- Lets not forget ~ Fill in the blank Friday ~ !

- What's in my car tag..which is a new one for me!

- Scotland from my moms view ( can't wait to get that one up)!!

- More questions and Answers

- And lets not forget Laura's Wedding post!! ( but that wont be up till early next week!! )

And I am sure there are other post that I am not thinking about right now. Since I didn't do much today.. I worked a lot on these post.. Many will be coming up tomorrow.. I hope and the others throughout the rest of the week.. Oh. and I know how you guys all love the picture quotes so I will be sure to get many more of those up too! I really appreciate all you readers and friends who take time out of your lives to drop by and check out my life! I love you guys.. Right now we are around 82,000 visitors.. I don't really think that # is accurate because I installed that after the blog had been up a while! So thank you very very much!! I am so looking to getting to 100,000 visitors!! That will be a GREAT day when I hit that mark! If you guys have any request be sure to email me - kishajaggers@aol.com - and tell me! I love hearing from you guys and love your suggestions!

Well.. its getting late.. I want to get to bed so I hopefully feel better tomorrow!

Have a great Tuesday!

Thanks for dropping by!

K Jaggers

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