Tuesday, October 4, 2011

9 facts about cats


These facts about the cat she was 9 .. 

1. Cats love the green stuff like grass. And they also like to eat grass. it is something natural that does not have to worry about. They eat grass to relieve stomach pain, cough, and to relieve inflammation of their throats. 

2. They do not like the taste of sweetness. It makes sense why cats do not like candy. 

3. They have an excellent sense of smell. This is the reason why cats will not use a dirty litter box. And they also have good hearing. 

4. Cats hate the smell of perfume. They also hate the smell of oranges and lemons. 

5. They consider the area that has the smell of ammonia as the elimination area.Thus, it is not advisable to use ammonia to clean the cat urine smell. 

6. A cat knows the changes in your mood, and sometimes it will affect your cat. 

7.Mereka show their trust to their owners with snoring or rolling over on their backs. 

8. Cat's normal body temperature is 102 Fahrenheit. 

9. Cat door was discovered by Sir Isaac Newton.

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