Well tonight was fair night for us. This is the first time we have been to this fair. We had a pretty good time.. It was freezing once the sun set. I wish I would have took a heavier coat than the one I did. My chest is really sore because of breathing in all that cold air. I just don't feel that good. Anyway.. I took a ton of pictures and I did 3 videos of the Demolition Derby races. I will get them posted tomorrow sometime.
Once we got home.. I got busy around the house. It really needed to be cleaned up. Scott went to be and I got busy cleaning. Its still not done but its better than what it was. I think tomorrow we are heading back to the fair so I won't have a lot of time to get things done.
This entire situation with the stalker has really weighed heavy on my mind. I feel beat up. I am tired and I just want it to end. My mom told me to stop responding in all ways.. So I removed comments, didn't respond to their hate blog ( only 4 post ) , didn't respond to them posting my phone number on that blog, didn't respond to their emails, didn't respond to their emails from fake facebook accounts, and so what happens? They contact all my friends on facebook. Mom said it would get worse if I didn't respond but still it was the only way to deal with it. Then puzzles pieces start coming together and until I take this all the way.. its not going to be over. Just calling someone out will not change it. As long as they are not getting into trouble, they will continue. So what that means is I have to keep going.. and going.. and going.. all the way to the end. I have come to understand that someone has the right to hate me.. but threaten me, scare me, slander me, bring my family and children into it, and then harass my friends is incomphensible I feel violated and abused..Who has that kind of time.. I don't work and I don't have that kind of time to stalk someone like this. But I am going to keep helping law enforcement, pray more and hope like hell we bring this person to justice. Weird thing is.. the more they do.. the closer we got. 2 years now this has been going on. Its consuming and exhausting.
Sorry for not getting back to many of my emails tonight. I just am wore out and it will be tomorrow night before I get to them. Sorry.. but its the weekend.. Scott is home.. and I have a ton going on right now. But I will take some time tomorrow night to get to my emails.
You know.. with everything going on.. one of my biggest joys right now are my kittens.. Something about them makes me forget everything.. if only for a few minutes and puts a smile on my face. They are the sweetest ever. I love them all. Its so hard thinking that one day they might not be living with me anymore. But we have a while before that happens. You guys know that I am keeping the chocolate boy but littlest white one is staying put too.. hes just the baby of them all and I think its going to take a while for him to catch up to where the others are. He still barley walks. So he needs a little extra love and attention.
Well.. I am exhausted.. Time for Sleep..
K Jaggers
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