Late Night hello's.. or perhaps good morning hellos too!
Hope everyone had a great Saturday!! I spent the beginning part of my day being lazy for a couple hours and then spent the rest of the afternoon and night with Scott.. Once he went to bed.. I started on the house..well the downstairs anyway.
We had a good day together. We got him all measured up for his tux. I took pictures so probably Sunday Night or Monday I will do a weekend in review for you guys...with all the pictures from the weekend. But let me tell you.. the experience inside that mans warehouse was crazy.. The woman seemed totally nuts and I couldn't help myself to bust out laughing at her.. I am sure I looked like the crazy person sitting in the car busting out laughing. I just wish I could have videoed her. We were in there for well over an hour. Oh my!! that experience was insane!! Scott was about ready to scream.. The lady was over whelmed.. confused and pretty much blind.. I couldn't believe that she was actually measuring the guys. I'm serious.. she kept flinging on her dirty thick glasses and printing out receipt after receipt and then holding them up to her eyes to try to read what they said.. as she typed into the computer. It was a mess... but the job is done.
We then headed out for some Mexican food. Just a little local place. Nothing impressive but the guacamole was delish..I looove avocado.. love it.. I think the guacamole dip was better than the dinner.
I didn't really look for any dresses. I will get to do that this next week sometime. We are not leaving until Saturday morning.. so I still have enough time.. I really need to get to the salon and get my hair dyed and cut.. but if I don't get on that soon.. I will have to do it myself.. Don't really mind that either but.. I would rather not! I did get my nails and toes painted tonight.. Its a dark sugar plum color that I love. Scott is not a huge fan of really dark polishes but for fall and winter.. why not!!
When we came home tonight.. we stepped out of the SUV and I looked up and the stars were AMAZING. The air was crisp.. the sky clear.. and stars were all around us. We both just stood there for a bit looking up. It was so beautiful.. Wonder how many of you guys actually look up at the stars and take in all that our universe has to offer. It was truly a breath taking moment for me. So look up!! They will glow for you too!
I am sorry I haven't responded to emails in the past few days.. I have read all of them for the most part.. and will respond soon.. But I have been staying pretty busy. The house alone is a lot of work to keep clean. Its at least 2x bigger than the last house. I love the size but it does take longer to clean.. 2 good full days will get it all done but it seems I never have 2 full days to just clean anymore. So I am always playing catch up.. And I am always shocked at how quickly just Scott and I mess it up. Well.. the animals too. But tonight I cleaned the cat area really well.. mopped it and got everything sanitized. Got to keep things clean for them.. don't want them running around in a mess and I sure don't want bugs from their messes either. They drop food all around their plate all the time.. so I put the top of a huge Tupperware container down and put their dishes on that to help with the mess and then lined it with paper towels so when they stepped off of it, the paper towels would help clean their paws. They still eat in the middle of the plate sometimes and that just creates a huge mess. But they are all growing and experiencing the world.. I am super happy that all of them are using the litter box. I will have pictures of them soon! They are the cutest kittens ever!! We still have not seen Giovanni. Pretty worried about him.. I just hope he shows up soon.
I don't really know our plans for tomorrow. I think we are just turning our phones and computers off and spending the day in bed with each other. No big plans. but if you don't hear from me.. you will know why! I think a day without outside distractions will do us good. We both crave time together and I am hoping tomorrow is a day of just us. I miss him so much while he is working. Most of the time we get along really well and he makes me laugh so much. I am still heads over heels in love with that man...I don't how its possible that God heard those prayers of mine and sent me the right man. No one knows of how much shit I had to go through with some real losers before Scott found me. I think what really stood out to me.. was him coming after me. I mean he just showed up one day in my life and even though I was with someone else.. he made his intentions very well known that he was interested in me.. I mean what girl doesn't love that. He waited and waited and told all my friends that in 6 months he was going to marry me.. and long and behold.. his plan worked!!! After my divorce I never thought I would marry again. My friends and family sure didn't either. I just didn't want to go through something like that again.. but when Scott got down on bended knee.. I knew the only answer was YES!! Since then we have grown, fallen more in love, and I want it to last FOREVER. I feel he is my home. Lucky Girl I am.. That's what I want for everyone.. To feel a love like this.. because its the most beautiful feeling in the world. And yes.. I do get mad at him sometimes but really none of that crap matters. I am just happy.. married.. and living a really blessed life. Thank You GOD.
Scott's sister just got married.. Scott's daughter is about to be married and I guess that just makes people think of their own marriages. I also have a set of friends that I want to take the plunge too! They are having a baby and its about time they did it!! We'll see!!
Well its 221am and I got to get to bed soon. My husby will have me up earlier than normal tomorrow.. I think he gets bored after so many hours by himself.. My fingers are crossed that he sleeps in a bit!
Sweet Dreams!
K Jaggers
Ohhh.. mom if you are reading this send me an email via facebook.. I haven't talked to you in a couple days and you haven't posted anything new on fb.. kinda worried.. Hope you are having a great time but email me!! Love you!
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