Sunday, November 27, 2011

Windows 8 setup: Now with fewer clicks!


Microsoft has streamlined the upgrade and setup process for Windows 8.

(Credit: Microsoft)

People frustrated by the upgrade and setup process in prior versions of Windows may find a more user-friendly experience in Windows 8.

Ensuring that Windows installs properly across a variety of hardware and software configurations has always been a major challenge, and one that Microsoft has never solved to the satisfaction of all users.

Microsoft has already taken some big steps forward in this respect with Windows 7. Its next version of Windows promises further improvements, as described in the latest edition of the Building Windows 8 blog by Christa St. Pierre from Microsoft's setup and deployment team:

For Windows 8, our goal was to continue to improve reliability while also improving the installation experience and raw performance. Not only did we want it to be rock solid, but also faster and easier to use.

Microsoft created the Windows 8 setup process with two types of users in mind:

  1. People who want to easily upgrade without any hassle; and
  2. People who want to run a clean install and tap into advanced options to control their disk and partition settings.

One of the first enhancements can be found in the delivery of Windows 8.

Beyond offering the ne... [Read more]

Windows 8 setup: Now with fewer clicks!
Lance Whitney
Tue, 22 Nov 2011 17:51:41 GMT

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