Monday, November 14, 2011

Movie Review - TRESPASS -

Last night Scott and I sat down to watch this movie. I had been wanting to see it for a while but super happy we finally were getting to watch it.

This movie was actually pretty good. I know a lot of people think Nicolas Cage is not so good of an actor ( my husby feels that way too ) but I actually like him. As all of us already know, Nicole Kidman is amazing at any role she plays. I normally don't like movies like this. I don't like home invasion movies. I always imagine if it happened to us and it totally freaks me out. Even though Panic Room was a good movie!

Ok.. enough with the rambling!! This movie was pretty good. It kept me in suspense of what was going to happen and at the end, I was surprised but I wasn't. The " wall " scene is what I am talking about. And what he did to it, surprised me even more!

I would say this movie is an 8 out of 10.

So if you are looking for what to rent next, this one might be it!

Here's the trailer!!

Have a great night!

K Jaggers

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